#! /bin/bash ## DESCRIPTION ## For Amazon EC2 Instances ## Use curl to update a dynamic dns entry for http://afraid.org ## based on http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-468368.html ## ## INSTRUCTIONS ## FIRST, change DIRECT_URL (below) based on http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/ ## THEN, it doesn't hurt to do the following (change permissions) ## chmod 500 /etc/cron.d/afraid.aws.sh ## sudo chown root.root /etc/cron.d/afraid.aws.sh ## NEXT, move this file to /etc/cron.d, ## FINALLY, add the following line to /etc/crontab ## */2 * * * * root /etc/cron.d/afraid.aws.sh >/dev/null OLDIP_FILE="/tmp/ip.tmpfile" ## this is from within an instance, just returns instance public IP ## See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-instance-addressing.html#concepts-instance-addressing for details CHECK_CMD="GET" ## Find this at http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/ DIRECT_URL="http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?aEdTcVlocDIwUDhkQ0NId1ZxaWQ6NzE5NzYyOA==" UPDATE_COMMAND="/usr/bin/curl -s $DIRECT_URL" echo "Getting current IP" CURRENTIP=`${CHECK_CMD}` echo "Found ${CURRENTIP}" if [ ! -e "${OLDIP_FILE}" ] ; then echo "Creating ${OLDIP_FILE}" echo "" > "${OLDIP_FILE}" fi OLDIP=`cat ${OLDIP_FILE}` if [ "${CURRENTIP}" != "${OLDIP}" ] ; then echo "Issuing update command" ${UPDATE_COMMAND} fi echo "Saving IP" echo "${CURRENTIP}" > "${OLDIP_FILE}"