*** Executing trace on arcresearch.co.th using dnstracer. . .

Tracing to arcresearch.co.th[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
 |\___ ns.thnic.net [th] ( *
 |\___ c.thains.co.th [th] (2001:0678:0004:0000:0000:0000:0000:001c) Not queried
 |\___ c.thains.co.th [th] (
 |     |\___ ns114.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( *
 |      \___ ns113.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( Got authoritative answer
 |\___ a.thains.co.th [th] (2001:0c38:2000:0183:0000:0000:0000:0030) Not queried
 |\___ a.thains.co.th [th] ( *
 |\___ p.thains.co.th [th] (2001:0500:0014:6126:00ad:0000:0000:0001) Not queried
 |\___ p.thains.co.th [th] (
 |     |\___ ns114.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( (cached)
 |      \___ ns113.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( (cached)
 |\___ b.thains.co.th [th] (2405:3340:e011:3000:0000:0000:0000:0030) Not queried
  \___ b.thains.co.th [th] (
       |\___ ns113.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( (cached)
        \___ ns114.hostinglotus.net [arcresearch.co.th] ( (cached)

Domain Queried : arcresearch.co.th

ns1.afraid.org not found in nameserver list.